Pool Parties: Safety for Adults

With summer just around the corner, pool parties are on the horizon.

There’s nothing like kicking back with friends and family around the pool making memories. While swimming and enjoying time with friends can be fun, it’s important to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of your family and guests.

Pool Party Safety Tips

Safety Tips Keeping Your Guests Safe at Your Pool Party

Don’t Over Serve

Alcohol and swimming don’t mix. If you’re serving alcohol at your party, encourage your guests to hydrate with water or other non-alcoholic beverages. Be sure to have food on-hand too as it can help absorb the alcohol. If a guest does drink too much, don’t be afraid to speak up and kindly ask him or her not to enter the pool. It’s your house and your responsibility to protect your guests.

Plastic Only

You won’t lose hosting points by serving your guests food and drinks in plasticware. Glass easily breaks increasing the risk of cuts and scrapes.

Keep and Eye on the Weather

While no one wants to cancel a pool party due to inclement weather, never put your guest in danger by hanging out in a storm. Lightening, flying debris and falling branches are all valid reasons to call it quits and head inside.

Know CPR

If you’re a pool owner, you should know CPR. If you aren’t certified, the American Red Cross can help you find a local class. http://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/cpr

Watch the Water

Although this might sound like a tip for a children’s pool party, it’s always a good idea to have someone in charge of watching swimmers. If you’re too busy hosting, ask one of your friends to keep an eye on the water.

Have First Aid and Phone Poolside

It’s always smart to have access to a first aid kit and phone when by the pool. Stash it in the shade where it’s easily accessible.

These are just a few suggestions to hopefully give you a little more piece of mind when hosting your next pool gathering. We hope you find them helpful. What pool safety tips do you use at your house? We’d love to hear! Comment below!